The Race Against Time
The Race Against Time is a conscious campaign to raise awareness about the reality and effects of climate change on future generations. This project was developed in college, and I saw it as an opportunity to choose an urgent problem to platform, one that will affect us all in the future.
My aim was to choose a human-centered approach. Normally, when we talk about climate change, we talk about "saving the planet" when really we should be saying "saving our species". When humanity comes to its end, the planet will most likely carry on without us. Therefore, centering the problem on our survival seemed like a clever solution to capture the audience's focus.
By creating shocking and impactful posters that illustrate the danger our own species faces, especially unborn children, who represent the future generation as a whole (but also our future and our future families individually), my aim was to make people look at the images and feel like climate change is a problem that concerns them.
This project was created as part of the Introduction to Design class of the 1st year of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto's Communication Design degree.

The first poster alerts the public to the ocean's pollution crisis caused by disposable plastic waste. Here represented is a fetus in the womb, drowning in debris floating around him.

The second poster alerts the public to the pollution caused by the meat (and animal products) industry, being one of the most threatening for the future of our species. Here represented is a fetus surrounded by other pieces of wrapped meat, illustrating that we are selling our future, and sacrificing present and future lives for profit, pleasure, and comfort.

The third poster alerts the public to the pollution of fossil fuels, such as oil. Here represented is a fetus covered in oil, held as if it had been found in the middle of a petrol puddle.

The fourth and final poster alerts the public to the danger of exploiting our oceans' natural resources. Here represented is a fetus being caught in a big fishing net, with no fish around him, showing the loss of diversity and illustrating that we are fishing and suffocating our own future.

Accompanying the campaign, I created a publication created to gather all the facts about our changing climate and to find solutions to this crisis we are all collectively facing as a species.