As a freelance editorial designer for Surge Activism, I designed covers and layouts for two digital research papers. Using my affinity for collage, I mixed my personal style with Surge's aesthetic to create a unique visual identity, so that Surge's papers could be easily recognized.  
Information Pack for Farmers
My first assignment was to create the cover and layout for an information pack for farmers on how to transition from traditional farming to veganic (vegan and organic) crops. The document had multiple versions, adjusting the resources and information for different countries, all of which I designed, with slight variations. 
Culture Wars
My second assignment was to create the cover and layout for a research paper detailing how animals are used in cultural and political battles, and the effects those have on them. It was a simpler task as the document only had one version. I adjusted the aesthetic to convey the tone of the paper, keeping enough similarities to create the same recognizable visual identity on all of Surge Activism's papers. 
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