à tona
Created within the Linking Great Partners (LGP) Challenge of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, and an academic internship, à tona is a design studio originally consisting of 6 members. This creative nucleus aims to provide design services to companies participating in the challenge, having several areas of expertise, from branding, to identity and corporate image creation. 
Together with my internship colleagues, we created the image and identity of our studio, from the name to the logo. As the one with experience and interest in videography, I was in charge of the realization of our presentation video, from the conception of the idea to the production and post-production of the project. The video was presented at the inauguration of the LGP Challenge 2022, in front of a large audience at FEUP. 
Identitary image of the studio, along with an animated logo
Video presentation of the design nucleus
Icon of the studio, along with the full logo
Project carried out in partnership with Mafalda Mota, Vera Vasconcelos, Marta Figueiredo, Marta Silva e Matilde Guimarães, in 2022. 
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